Just to Let You Know...

Saturday 12 July 2014

Project: maPong 

About Pong:

Pong is one of the first computer games that was created, this simple "tennis like" game features two paddles and a ball, the goal is to defeat your opponent by being the first one to gain 10 point, a player gets a point once the opponent misses the ball. The game can be played with two human players, or one player against a computer controlled paddle. The game was originally developed by Allan Alcorn and released in 1972 by Atari corporations. Soon, Pong became a huge success, and became the first commercially successful game, On 1975, Atari release a home edition of Pong (the first version was played on Arcade machines) which sold 150,000 units. Today, the Pong Game is considered to be the game which started the video games industry, as it proved that the video games market can produce significant revenues

Target audience

My Target audience can be anyone who wants to play and enjoy a simple game, since its a very easy game it can be played by majority of people from young kids to old grandparents


I will use the online community such as a forum and my teacher for possible feedback that I might require to improve my game. Making sure It meets my end users requirement and be as good as it can be

Classic Pong Game flowchart:


Controls for pong:


W, Up = move the paddle up
S, Down = move the paddle down
Space, Enter = Special features that I might add 


move mouse up and down to control the paddle
Left, Right Click = Special features that I might add

Pong menus:

Design for the Menu

  • Menus for the game Pong

  • First three images are examples that I have created

  • The last image is what I'm planning to use

Those two are the actual menus for different versions of Pong

Menu #1

Menu #2

  • Where the first one is simpler and easy to read

  • The Second is more complex with the use of images and instructions

Design for in game screen

In game Objects

  • List of object that I will use for the game

  • With possible features such as a power-up, stun and slowing down your opponent

Actual game screen

maPong in game screen

Link to the Game: 
